Real islam
True islam
Shia muslim
Day of ashura
Imam hussain
Imam hosayn
موقع نوشیدن آب امام حسین را یاد کنید زیرا دشمنانش به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن آب ندادند تا اینکه آنها را کشتند.
I can’t imagine that Imam Husayn’s child was only six-month-old when he was martyred!!
The question is for which reason?
خدایا! نمی توانم تصور کنم که بچه ی امام حسین وقتی که به شهادت رسیدند، فقط 6 ماه داشتند!!
به چه دلیل؟؟
I wish you all were present in Ashuora and saw how I asked them for water for my infant ,but they refused to give.
ای کاش در روز عاشورا حضور داشتید و شاهد آن بودید که چگونه برای نوزادم از آنها طلب آب کردم ولی آنها از دادن آب امتناع کردند.
water is the right of all living creatures ,Isn`t it
So why did he martyr thirsty?
They killed Husayn as He was forbidden to drink water and He was thirsty.
او را درحالیکه آب را به رویش بستند و تشنه بود کشتند.
They killed Husayn as He was injured and his clothes had been stolen.
او را درحالیکه مجروح بود و لباسهایش را غارت کرده بودند کشتند.
They killed him like John the Baptist as his head was cut.
او را مانند یحیی درحالیکه سرش را از بدنش جدا کردند کشتند.
All the member of his family ,including women and children were captured .
زنان و کودکانش اسیر شدند.
They killed his 6_months old baby as he was thirsty.
کودک شش ماهه اش را درحالیکه تشنه بود کشتند.
How can`t I cry for this incident?
چگونه می توانم بر این مصیبت گریه نکنم؟
#muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam
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#karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures
#muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia
#shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning
#shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora
#day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?
#Achoura #Ασο?ρα #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure
#musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman
#šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán
_chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_
Real islam
True islam
Shia muslim
Day of ashura
Imam hussain
Imam hosayn
When is the International Hosseini infant gathering`s day?
روز همایش جهانی شیرخوارگان حسینی چه روزی است؟
?When is the global day of Ali Asghar
روز جهانی علی اصغر چه روزی است؟
#Abdullah Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn (Tenth of Rajab, 60 AH – Tenth of Muharram, 61 AH) was the youngest child of Husayn ibn Ali and #Rubab (the daughter of the chief of the Kinda Imra al-Qays tribe). Rubaab# had two children, #Sakina and #Ali_Asghar. She and her two children accompanied Imaam to Karbala. The fact that Imaam took with him a newly born baby further demonstrates the that his intention was never to engage in any armed rebellion. At Karbala #Asghar was only six months old. He is honored by Muslims as the youngest martyr of the Battle of Karbala.
#Ali_Asgher, fell from the cradle hearing the cry of his father Husain. #Husain_Ibn-Ali was called, and when he came, he saw the thirst that was gradually killing #Ali_Asgher. Therefore, he asked permission of his wife who was the mother of Ali-Asgher# to take him to the battle field and ask his enemies for water.
Imaam walked into #Bibi_Rubaab’s tent. “#Rubaab,” he said, “I will take him to #Yazeed’s army. Surely they can not possibly deny this little infant a few drops of water?” #Rubaab changed #Ali_Asghar’sclothes. She even tied a small turban on his head. Like any other mother she wanted her son to look at his best in front of strangers. #Imaam_Hussain took the child and covered him with a cloth to protect him from the scorching sun.
He brought the child into the battlefield. The enemy soldiers assumed that Imam Husain (a.s) was holding the Qur’an in his hand as a prelude to surrender. When Imam Husain (a.s) lifted the cloth, the soldiers gasped with surprise to see an infant. The infant smiled as if taunting the enemy in the face of adversity.
Walking up to #Yazeed’s soldiers #Imaam_Hussain said,
“”O People! If, in your opinion, #Hussain is guilty of any sin or crime, this innocent babe has done nothing to hurt any one of you. It does not even speak, and has not even uttered anything against you or your Amir at Damascus. He is dying of thirst. He had neither milk nor water for the last three days. Would you quench his thirst by a few drops of water? If you suspect that I demand water for myself in the name of the babe, then I will leave it here, if you want, and go easy and you may return it with his thirst quenched.”
Imam Husain (a.s) replied,
“I only seek water for the infant, whose condition and agony is before you. Since you fear that I may myself drink the water, I am placing this infant on the ground so that you may yourselves take the child and quench his thirst.”
It seemed that #Asghar was emerging victorious in this confrontation against the might of #Yazid. He looked at #Hurmala, a famous archer, and said, “Silence #Hussain!” Then a terrible thing happened. #Hurmala lifted his bow. Aimed an arrow at the child.
The arrow flew across the hot desert. There was a hissing sound. #Asghar smiled. He lifted his head and arched his neck!! No civilized mind can even imagine what happened next.
The hissing sound stopped and #Asghar lay still on his father’s arms. #Imaam_Hussain looked down at #Asghar’s neck, he saw the arrow, he saw the neck, he saw the smile and then he could see no more!!! Our Imaam began to feel faint. For a moment everything went dark. He could not see! There was a total silence over Karbala, broken only by the sound of the gentle waves of #Furaat. Even the enemy appeared stunned. Slowly #Hussain turned round and now looked at the baby in his arms. The arrow slit the throat of the six-month child and pinned him to Imam Husain’s ribs and arms. There was no way #Imaam_Hussain could dislodge the arrow. Imam Husain (a.s) collected in his palm the dripping blood from the child’s throat, looked towards the sky and then downwards towards the earth, and finally applied it to his own face. He was seen muttering something.
#muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam
#shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning #shia_muharram #shia_images
#karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures
#muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia
#shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning
#shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora
#day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?
#Achoura #Ασο?ρα #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure
#musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman
#šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán
_chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_
Real islam
True islam
Shia muslim
Day of ashura
Imam hussain
Imam hosayn
noon prayer in congregation on the day of Ashura in Iran
نماز جماعت ظهر در روز عاشورا در تهران، ایران
#muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam
#shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning #shia_muharram #shia_images
#karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures
#muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia
#shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning
#shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora
#day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?
#Achoura #Ασο?ρα #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure
#musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman
#šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán
_chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_
Real islam
True islam
Shia muslim
Day of ashura
Imam hussain
Imam hosayn

“…They do not know that weeping for Imam Husayn (A) means perpetuation of his uprising and maintaining the fact that even a small number could stand up against a great empire. Imam Husayn?s decree is that: “Every day is an Ashura and each territory is Karbala! implies that his movement must be kept alive and active everywhere and at all times. This statement is our manual of action. Just as Imam Husayn (PBUH) stood up and said: “No!” to a great empire, his decrial must be repeated daily and these mourning sessions mean the perpetuation of the negation…”
-A part from the Ashura uprising in the Words & Messages of Imam Khomeini, a book containing Imam Khomeini’s speeches.