when is ashura 2015?
Ashura in year 2015 is on Saturday, the 24th of Oct..
The day of Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram which is the first month of Islamic calender.
Ashura is always on the same day in the Islamic calendar but it is not in the Georgian calender because of the difference between these two calenders.
Ashura marks the day in which prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Imam Husayn, and all 72 of his companions were violently martyred more than 14 centuries ago in Karbala. They all sacrifice what they have to save Islam from utter distortion and destruction. Thus every year on the day of Ashura, millions of mourners commemorate their martyrdom anniversary to memorize what Imam Husayn (PBUH) taught us: He taught us all how to stand up and resist oppression, monarchy, Shimrs, Yazids and Ibn Ziads of the the present time, the current age.
Real islam
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Shia muslim
Day of ashura
Imam hussain
Imam hosayn
Who is abbas pbuh?
Hazrat Abbas was the son of Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib. His mother"s name was Fatima, who was also known as "Ummul Banin".
Hazrat Abbas was born in Medina on 7th Rajab 26 A.H.
Hazrat Abbas was a towering and handsome personality. His dauntless courage, supreme confidence and unflinching loyalty earned him many titles. He was called "Qamar-e-Bani Hashim" (the moon of the Hashemites), because of his imposing appearance.
His remarkable horsemanship made him "Syed-ul-Forosan" (the chief of horseman). His ability to lead people resulted in his being called "Rais-ul-Shujan" (the leader of the valiant), and the manner in which he sacrificed his life earned him the title "Afzal-ul-Shohada" (the choicest of the martyrs) and "Saqqa" (water carrier), because he sacrificed his life in an effort to procure water for Imam Hussain"s children in the tragic battle of Kerbala. He fully lived up to his name Abbas, which in Arabic stands for Lion.
Hazrat Ali, who himself was known as the "Lion of God", brought up Hazrat Abbas and ably guided him until he was fourteen years old. The next ten years of Hazrat Abbas"s life were spent under the careful eye of Imam Hasan, and the last ten years with Imam Hussain.
He stayed beside Imam Hussain ever since they left Medina and he was loved by all the members of the Imam"s family. He was so devoted to Imam Hussain, that when Shimr Ibne Ziljoshan, the second in command of Yazid"s army came towards Imam Hussain and called out: "Where are my nephews, Abbas, Abdullah, Jafar and Utman?" Hazrat Abbas refused to even reply. It was only after Imam Hussain told him: "Answer him, because, despite the fact that he is corrupt, he is one of your relations", that Hazrat Abbas asked Shimr what he wanted. Shimr replied: "O my nephews I have specially asked Obaidullah Ibne Zaid for the safety of you all. So why do you wish to kill yourselves with Hussain? Why do you not join the forces of the mighty Yazid?"
Hazrat Abbas looked at him with contempt and retorted, "May Allah"s wrath fall upon you and your proposition, O enemy of God! How dare you counsel us to desert our master, Imam Hussain and tie ourselves up with with the corrupt and misguided Yazid?" Shimr turned around and went away angrily.
At length the battle started and the companions of Imam Hussain, heavily outnumbered by the enemy, began to fall. The three brothers of Hazrat Abbas: Abdullah, Jafar and Uthman, as well as Hazrat Abbas"s two sons, Fazl and Qasim, fought with rare gallantry before being killed.
The cries of water raised by the children in Imam Hussain"s camp on the day of Ashura, deeply grieved Hazrat Abbas. After taking permission from Imam Hussain, he took the empty water-bay of Janab-e-Sukaina, the daughter of Imam Hussain, and rode towards the river Euphrates. Cutting through the rank and file of Yazid"s army, he rushed to the bank of the river, filled the bag with water, and started towards the camp. Yazid"s army encircled the gallant Hazrat Abbas. He kept the water-bag in one hand and started fighting with the other. When both his hands were severed, he gripped the water-bag strap with his teeth. The severe blow from a mace on his head shook him badly and he fell off is horse and called out to Imam Hussain. Imam Hussain reached him with great difficulty, and placed his head on his lap. Hazrat Abbas then opened his eyes to cast a last look on the Holy Imam"s face and breathed his last.
True Islam
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imam hosayn
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