
Real islam

True islam

Shia muslim

Day of ashura

Imam hussain

Imam hosayn


Ashura Real islam True islam Shia muslim Day of ashura Imam hussain Imam hosayn+2th of December 2015 #arbaeen  #arbaeen2015  #arbaeen_karbala   #when_is_arbaeen_2015


11. ABBAS;
The call of the purity 
The essence of justice
The embodiment of hope
The lion of Ali
The protector of Husayn
The guard of zainab

12. The commemoration of Ashura on the 10th of Muharram every year serves to remind us of the sacrifices of the family of the Prophet (S). It also makes us aware of the people, then and now, who tried to destroy Islam and the family of the Prophet (S) and all that they stood for - as well as those who watched, listened and did nothing.

13. Who is Husayn ?
The leader of the small band of men who were martyred in Kerbala was none other than Husain (A), son of Ali bin Abi Talib (A) and grandson of the Holy Prophet (S). Who was Husain? He was the son of Fatima (A) for whom the Holy Prophet (S) said, "Husain is from me and I am from Husain. May God love whoever loves Husain." [1] 

14. What is Ashura ?
In the month of Muharram 61 AH (approx. 20 October 680 AD), an event took place in Iraq at a place known as Kerbala on the bank of the river Euphrates. It seemed in those days insignificant from the historical point of view. A large army which had been mobilised by the Umayyad regime besieged a group of persons numbering less than a hundred and put them under pressure to pay allegiance to the Caliph of the time and submit to his authority. The small group resisted and a severe battle took place in which they were all killed.
It appeared at that time that like hundreds of similar events, this battle would be recorded in history and forgotten in time. However, the events that occurred on the 10th day of Muharram in Kerbala were to become a beacon and an inspiration for future generations. 

15. When his son ALI AKBAR wanted to go to the battle field, IMAM HUSAYN said:
Oh God, be witness that I send them a person who looked just like your prophet in appearance, manner and eloquence and we look at him when we miss your prophet.

امام حسین هنگام به میدان رفتن فرزندش علی اکبر:«خدایا گواه باش شبیه ترین مردم به رسولت در خلقت و اخلاق و سخن گفتن به سوی اینان رفت و هرگاه ما مشتاق پیامبرت می شدیم به او نگاه می کردیم.»


 حسین کیست؟
8.Who is Husayn?

چرا همه خوبی ها به او ختم میشود؟
Why does the all goodness reach to him?

چرا خوشبختی و حسین با هم عجین شده اند؟
Why does the bliss blend in perfectly with Husayn?

چرا مظلوم ترین انسان بود؟
Why was he the most harassed?

چرا دشمنان حسین امروز در حال قتل و عام مسلمانان و مسیحیان هستند؟
Why do Husayn`s enemies slaughter Muslims and Christians today?

چرا قدرت های استکباری به دشمنان حسین کمک می کنند؟
9. When is the International Hosseini infant gathering`s day

روز همایش جهانی شیرخوارگان حسینی چه روزی است؟

?When is the global day of Ali Asghar
روز جهانی علی اصغر چه روزی است؟

Do you know that Imam husayn`s enemies didn`t let him and his family drink any water, even his 6-mounth-old son? 
آیا می دانید که دشمنان امام حسین به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن ندادند؟ حتی به پسر 6 ماهه اش؟

Remember Imam husayn when drinking water, as his enemies didn`t let him and his family drink any water till killed them.
موقع نوشیدن آب امام حسین را یاد کنید زیرا دشمنانش به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن آب ندادند تا اینکه آنها را کشتند.

I can’t imagine that Imam Husayn’s child was only six-month-old when he was martyred!!
The question is for which reason?
خدایا! نمی توانم تصور کنم که بچه ی امام حسین وقتی که به شهادت رسیدند، فقط 6 ماه داشتند!! 
به چه دلیل؟؟

I wish you all were present in Ashuora and saw how I asked them for water for my infant ,but they refused to give.
ای کاش در روز عاشورا حضور داشتید و شاهد آن بودید که چگونه برای نوزادم از آنها طلب آب کردم ولی آنها از دادن آب امتناع کردند.
water is the right of all living creatures ,Isn`t it
So why did he martyr thirsty?

10.They killed Husayn as He was forbidden to drink water and He was thirsty.
او را درحالیکه آب را به رویش بستند و تشنه بود کشتند.

They killed Husayn as He was injured and his clothes had been stolen.
او را درحالیکه مجروح بود و لباسهایش را غارت کرده بودند کشتند.

They killed him like John the Baptist as his head was cut.
او را مانند یحیی درحالیکه سرش را از بدنش جدا کردند کشتند.

All the member of his family ,including women and children were captured .
زنان و کودکانش اسیر شدند.

They killed his 6_months old baby as he was thirsty.
کودک شش ماهه اش را درحالیکه تشنه بود کشتند.

How can`t I cry for this incident?
چگونه می توانم بر این مصیبت گریه نکنم؟



2th of December 2015


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