True Islam
imam hossein
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes
True Islam
imam hossein
ashura & shia & realy islam
He was not an ordinary human being.
.(His name was Hussein.(Hossain)(hosayn
Hussein was the grandson of Muslims" holy prophet Muhammad.
He stood up against oppressors and he is a role model for Muslims in sacrifice, freedom, liberty and resistance
We call him imam, imam means leader and rector.
In year 61 AH (a way of calculating year based on the position of the moon), Imam Hussein along with his wife, children and siblings went to Iraq from Arabia, in order to respond to Iraqi"s request;
More than 4000 Iraqi wrote a letter to Imam Hussein and asked him to come to Iraq and rescue them from cruelness and injustice of their king "yazid" and bring justice, goodness and beauty.
Yazid was a cruel leader and he took peoples" property by force and represented Islam in an unrealistic and cruel way.
Actually he does not know anything of real Islam and do whatever he like to do and whatever benefits him.
He had broken a lot of absolute law in Islam himself!! So Iraqis asked for help, and Imam Hussein answered them by coming to Iraq.
Yazid prevented Iraqis to join Imam Hussein by force and threat.
On the other hand he prevented Imam Hussein to inter in capital city of Iraq so imam had to stay in a midway land called "Karbala".
In Karbala, cruel yazid along with ten thousands soldier and military man stood against him and ordered his army to start a war with Imam Hussein.
Imam and his wife and his children and siblings with his companions were only 72 people!!
One side an army with 72 soldiers and on the other side thousands of soldiers!!
But cruelness did not stop here; they surrounded the river and did not let Hussein"s companions even the children and women to drink water!!
After a few day of surrounding and not drinking even a drop of water in a hot desert, all Hussein"s companions were desperately thirsty and weak, they cannot do anything but tolerating the situation they"ve trapped in.
That was not a fair war.
Yazid told Imam Hussein, if you want me to stop killing you and not imprisoned your family, you should accept my leadership and accept all my deeds and unite with me!! (Consider this fact that Imam Hussein is the Prophet Muhammad"s grandson and yazid had been violating most of Islamic laws purposely, so there is no way Imam Hussein accept yazid"s conditions!!).
So Hussein obviously did not accept his offer and told him that "dying with dignity is way better that living with dishonor".
After this yazid (god never forgive him) attacked Imam Hussein and his few companions with his huge army.
Every single person in imam"s side was killed one by one.
One of imam"s son who was named" ali akbar" started fighting back and killed some of the enemies, but a lot of yazid"s army attacked him and tore apart his body and cut off his head!!
All imams" companion was killed and their head were cut off while they were thirsty so bad.
After ali akbar, imam"s nephew "ghasem" went to battle field.
He was only 13 years old but he fought like a brave fighting man.
Ghasem killed 3 soldiers of enemy but then they killed him and they throw stone at him and then they cut his head off!!
The last brother of imam wanted to go to the battle field but youngest daughter of imam asked him to bring water because they were so thirsty that they cannot tolerate.
Imam"s brother was "abbas", he was a strong and brave fighter.
All the yazid army scared of him and ran away when they hear his name.
abbas founded a way to the river to bring water for innocent children.
When he arrived near the river all the enemy soldier ran away.
Abbas took water and guide his horse toward kids but enemy soldier shoot arrow at him to stop him.
They cut his right hand off first, abbas took the water with his left hand and continue his way but enemy cut his left hand too.
He had no hand to take the water so he took it with his teeth and ran toward kids to give them the water but enemy shoot an arrow to his eye and one to his water container.
The arrow tore the water container and all the water wasted.
Abbas fell off his horse and hit the ground with his face.
Enemy smashed his head with an iron hammer.
Abbas could not give the water to the children and was killed.
All imams" companions were killed and there were no one left
Imam had a six month old son, "ali asghar"
The infant could not cry due to thirstiness.
Imam showed him to the enemy army and said "this innocent six month old infant is dying, givesome water only to him", but suddenly an arrow shoot to the infant"s throat and cut his head off.
Imam got so sad and buried the infant there.
Then imam said goodbye to his wife and children and sisters.
Everyone was crying, but imam had to go to the battle field.
Without any other help, no kid, no brother, and no army, he attacked the enemy.
He killed some cruel soldier but enemy shoot arrow toward him and imam fell off his horse and they cut his head too.
But they did not stop they unforgiving actions, they ran across his dead body with horses.
After this, yazid gave an order to attack the women and children and imprisoned them.
Imam Hussein is our third imam.
He sacrificed himself for preventing Islam to be destroyed.
Yazid presented Islam wrongly, in a furious way, so imam was against him.
Imam Hussein is the symbol of freedom and liberty, he accept dying instead of uniting with the oppressors.
Nowadays, isis (Islamic!!!! state of Iraq and Syria) like yazid, shows a cruel and wild presentation of Islam that is completely wrong, and they kill imam
Hussein"s admirer and cut their heads off.