
Real islam

True islam

Shia muslim

Day of ashura

Imam hussain

Imam hosayn

Ashura Real islam True islam Shia muslim Day of ashura Imam hussain Imam hosayn+  #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam  #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning #shia_muharram #shia_images  #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures    #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia  #shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning  #shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora  #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?  #Achoura #Ασο?ρα  #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure #musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman  #šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán _chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_   شیعیة #شیعیة #شیعہ



2th of December 2015

11. ABBAS;
The call of the purity 
The essence of justice
The embodiment of hope
The lion of Ali
The protector of Husayn
The guard of zainab

12. The commemoration of Ashura on the 10th of Muharram every year serves to remind us of the sacrifices of the family of the Prophet (S). It also makes us aware of the people, then and now, who tried to destroy Islam and the family of the Prophet (S) and all that they stood for - as well as those who watched, listened and did nothing.

13. Who is Husayn ?
The leader of the small band of men who were martyred in Kerbala was none other than Husain (A), son of Ali bin Abi Talib (A) and grandson of the Holy Prophet (S). Who was Husain? He was the son of Fatima (A) for whom the Holy Prophet (S) said, "Husain is from me and I am from Husain. May God love whoever loves Husain." [1] 

14. What is Ashura ?
In the month of Muharram 61 AH (approx. 20 October 680 AD), an event took place in Iraq at a place known as Kerbala on the bank of the river Euphrates. It seemed in those days insignificant from the historical point of view. A large army which had been mobilised by the Umayyad regime besieged a group of persons numbering less than a hundred and put them under pressure to pay allegiance to the Caliph of the time and submit to his authority. The small group resisted and a severe battle took place in which they were all killed.
It appeared at that time that like hundreds of similar events, this battle would be recorded in history and forgotten in time. However, the events that occurred on the 10th day of Muharram in Kerbala were to become a beacon and an inspiration for future generations. 

15. When his son ALI AKBAR wanted to go to the battle field, IMAM HUSAYN said:
Oh God, be witness that I send them a person who looked just like your prophet in appearance, manner and eloquence and we look at him when we miss your prophet.
امام حسین هنگام به میدان رفتن فرزندش علی اکبر:«خدایا گواه باش شبیه ترین مردم به رسولت در خلقت و اخلاق و سخن گفتن به سوی اینان رفت و هرگاه ما مشتاق پیامبرت می شدیم به او نگاه می کردیم    .»

















Real islam

True islam

Shia muslim

Day of ashura

Imam hussain

Imam hosayn

Ashura Real islam True islam Shia muslim Day of ashura Imam hussain Imam hosayn+  #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam  #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning #shia_muharram #shia_images  #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures    #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia  #shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning  #shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora  #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?  #Achoura #Ασο?ρα  #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure #musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman  #šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán _chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_   شیعیة #شیعیة #شیعہ




2th of December 2015



8. حسین کیست؟
Who is Husayn? 
چرا همه خوبی ها به او ختم میشود؟
Why does the all goodness reach to him?
چرا خوشبختی و حسین با هم عجین شده اند؟
Why does the bliss blend in perfectly with Husayn?
چرا مظلوم ترین انسان بود؟
Why was he the most harassed?
چرا دشمنان حسین امروز در حال قتل و عام مسلمانان و مسیحیان هستند؟
Why do Husayn`s enemies slaughter Muslims and Christians today?
چرا قدرت های استکباری به دشمنان حسین کمک می کنند؟

9. When is the International Hosseini infant gathering`s day
روز همایش جهانی شیرخوارگان حسینی چه روزی است؟
?When is the global day of Ali Asghar
روز جهانی علی اصغر چه روزی است؟

Do you know that Imam husayn`s enemies didn`t let him and his family drink any water, even his 6-mounth-old son? 
آیا می دانید که دشمنان امام حسین به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن ندادند؟ حتی به پسر 6 ماهه اش؟
Remember Imam husayn when drinking water, as his enemies didn`t let him and his family drink any water till killed them.
موقع نوشیدن آب امام حسین را یاد کنید زیرا دشمنانش به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن آب ندادند تا اینکه آنها را کشتند    .
I can’t imagine that Imam Husayn’s child was only six-month-old when he was martyred!!
The question is for which reason?
خدایا! نمی توانم تصور کنم که بچه ی امام حسین وقتی که به شهادت رسیدند، فقط 6 ماه داشتند    !! 
به چه دلیل؟؟
I wish you all were present in Ashuora and saw how I asked them for water for my infant ,but they refused to give.
ای کاش در روز عاشورا حضور داشتید و شاهد آن بودید که چگونه برای نوزادم از آنها طلب آب کردم ولی آنها از دادن آب امتناع کردند .
water is the right of all living creatures ,Isn`t it
So why did he martyr thirsty?

They killed Husayn as He was forbidden to drink water and He was thirsty.
او را درحالیکه آب را به رویش بستند و تشنه بود کشتند.
They killed Husayn as He was injured and his clothes had been stolen.
او را درحالیکه مجروح بود و لباسهایش را غارت کرده بودند کشتند.
They killed him like John the Baptist as his head was cut.
او را مانند یحیی درحالیکه سرش را از بدنش جدا کردند کشتند.
All the member of his family ,including women and children were captured .
زنان و کودکانش اسیر شدند.
They killed his 6_months old baby as he was thirsty.
کودک شش ماهه اش را درحالیکه تشنه بود کشتند.
How can`t I cry for this incident?
چگونه می توانم بر این مصیبت گریه نکنم؟



















Real islam

True islam

Shia muslim

Day of ashura

Imam hussain

Imam hosayn

Ashura Real islam True islam Shia muslim Day of ashura Imam hussain Imam hosayn+  #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam  #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning #shia_muharram #shia_images  #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures    #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia  #shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning  #shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora  #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?  #Achoura #Ασο?ρα  #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure #musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman  #šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán _chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_   شیعیة #شیعیة #شیعہ


2th of December 2015



1. Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on a pilgrimage to Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”‌
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”‌
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.

2. Imam Hussein says that his goals are to revive the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and those of Imam Ali (AS), and to invite people to what is good and to prohibit them from what is bad.

3. Imam Hussein (A.S) sacrificed his life and his family’s in order to show the people the real meaning of life and death. He proved that he had faith in the Hereafter, and that there was a better life after martyrdom; a life without the misdeeds of the oppressors, where a true servant will meet his God.

4. Imam Hussein (A.S) started a battle that is still going on and it could lead to the abolishment of injustice and oppression all over the world, if God wills. His movement consisted of selflessness and sacrifice. The path of martyrdom, which means to sacrifice one’s life for the greater ideals, does not require any especial tools or skills. Imam Hussein opened this path for all the people in all times; and anyone who is a devotee of Imam Hussein can traverse this path. This is the secret of our strength and the enemy’s weakness; they need tools and skilled men to fight against us, but all we need is our faith.




5. Why Imam Hussain pbuh is not forgotten?
The one whose martyrdom, grief, pain, sorrows and children"s captivity were all only for God will never fade out of the memories. Instead, by the pace of time and age his love, fascination, and charm will grow in the hearts of people. And each year the love and fascination of the people with respect to that "pure and chaste revolutionary" increases. Imaam Hussain (A.S.) spent 57 years of his prolific life for the sake of God"s love and God"s search. Many times he traveled, to the God"s house for pilgrimage, on foot. He was very fond of prayers confessions and supplication talking intimately. So far so, that on the last night of his life, he asked for respite only that he might sit all alone and make confessions and supplications, to his God.
One of his companions said about Arafat prayers and supplications of Imam Hussain (A.S.). On the 10th day of the month of Zil Hijj Imam Hussain (A.S.) stood in the burning and scorching desert of Arafat facing Holy Ka’bah and prayed with painful and aching heart,
Oh God! I turn my face towards you (focus my attention) and give evidence about your being God. O God! You created me and continuously remained along with me and provided me with sustenance and livelihood with several kinds of blessings and bounties. Praise is for the God; nothing can change whose desire and stop His munificence and generosity.
Oh God adjudge and fix in my soul the independence and freedom from desires and faith and confidence in my heart, and sincerity in my practice and light in my vision and awareness in my religion.

6. Who is Holy Ali Asghar?
He was the infant of Imam Husayn(the third Shia Imam)and Holy Rubab.
In the event of Karbala when Imam Husayn saw his companions and friends were martyred and nobody is ther.
He decided to enter the battle and said:
Is there anybody to defend the family of God`s prophet?
Is there any worshiper of God to fear of the Lord?
Is there anyone to help us for God?
Imam Husayn went next to the tent."please give me my infant. I want to tell him goodbye too" He said his sister;Zainab.
Zainab s.a gave him the baby. Ali Asghar was thirsty and hungry.
Imam Husayn was a man of great love and compassion.
He wanted to kiss the baby that suddenly he was shot by an arrow.
One of the enemies shot an arrow that pierced his throat.
He took his hands under his throat. He filled his hands with his blood and threw it to the sky.
No drops of his blood fell down on the ground.
The first Friday of Muharram
In more than 3500 places around the world and Iran,
Mothers mourn for the martyr infant (Ali Asghar ) of Karbala ,
along with their infants.
This ceremony is called the global day of Ali Asghar.
Daesh militants who are the enemies of Imam Husayn
have killed Muslims ,including women and children.

7. Ashura in year 2015 is on Saturday, the 24th of Oct..
The day of Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram which is the first month of Islamic calender.
Ashura is always on the same day in the Islamic calendar but it is not in the Georgian calender because of the difference between these two calenders.
Ashura marks the day in which prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Imam Husayn, and all 72 of his companions were violently martyred more than 14 centuries ago in Karbala. They all sacrifice what they have to save Islam from utter distortion and destruction. Thus every year on the day of Ashura, millions of mourners commemorate their martyrdom anniversary to memorize what Imam Husayn (PBUH) taught us: He taught us all how to stand up and resist oppression, monarchy, Shimrs, Yazids and Ibn Ziads ofthe the present time, the current age.

















Real islam

True islam

Shia muslim

Day of ashura

Imam hussain

Imam hosayn

Ashura Real islam True islam Shia muslim Day of ashura Imam hussain Imam hosayn+   #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam  #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning #shia_muharram #shia_images  #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures    #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia  #shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning  #shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora  #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?  #Achoura #Ασο?ρα  #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure #musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman  #šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán _chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_ شیعیة #شیعیة #شیعہ


او گفت: اگر دین ندارید و از روز قیامت نمی ترسید لااقلّ در زندگی دنیاتان آزادمرد باشید21


He said:If you do not believe in religion and do not fear the Hereafter ,then at least be free from tyranny and arrogant.

او گفت:مرگ در راه عزّت جز زندگی جاوید، و زندگی با ذلّت جز مرگ بی حیات نیست

He said:Death with dignity is eternal life and life of humiliation is Death.:

او گفت: مردمان بندگان دنیا هستند و دین تنها بر زبانشان جاریست. مادامیکه زندگیشان بر محور دین بچرخد حول آن هستند ولی هنگامی که به بلایی گرفتار شدند دین داران اندک شوند    .

He said:
People are slave of this world and their religion is just like saliva or taste on the tongue. They revolve around religion as long as their materialistic" needs are well provided; but when they face difficulties, tests & trials, very few people prove to be steadfast"

او گفت: بترس‌ از ستم‌ کردن‌ بر کسی‌ که‌ به‌ جز خدا یاوری‌ ندارد

:He said
“Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God.”

او گفت: رستگار نشوند مردمی که غضب خالق را به بهای رضایت مخلوق خریدند    .

He said:"People will not be redeemed who gained satisfaction of people ,but that`s price of wrath of God"

او گفت: هر کس این پنج چیز را نداشته باشد از زندگی بهره ای نمی برد: عقل، دین، ادب، شرم و خوش خلقی.

He said:
".If one does not have this five things there is no good in him: intellect ,religion, etiquette,shame and good manners"

و نیز گفت: جز به یکی از سه نفر حاجت مبر: به دیندار، یا صاحب مروّت، یا کسی که اصالت خانوادگی داشته باشد.

He said:
Do not seek help from any person except three persons :one who is religious, or generous or of noble descent (parentage

22. inspires me to care for people around me

حسین الهام بخش من در توجه و همدردی به مردم اطرافم است

Husayn inspires me to give back

حسین الهام بخش من در برگشت به مسیر خداست

Husayn`s epic legacy inspires millions

میراث حماسی حسینی الهام بخش میلیونها انسان است

Husayn inspires me to give back to my society

حسین الهام بخش من در برگشت و خدمت به جامعه است

Husayn inspires me to resist oppression in all forms

حسین الهام بخش من در مقابله با ظلم در همه جوانب است

Husayn inspires me to help those less fortunate than me

حسین الهام بخش من در کمک رسانی به زیردستان است

Husayn inspires me to sacrifice for my society

حسین الهام بخش من در فداکاری برای جامعه ام است


Husayn inspires me to be caring to all of Humanity

حسین الهام بخش من در پاسداشت ارزش های انسانی است

Husayn inspires me to strive for equality for all human beings

حسین الهام بخش من در تلاش برای ایجاد برابری بین همه مردم است

Husayn inspires me to stay faithful to my principles

حسین الهام بخش من در وفادار ماندن نسبت به اصول و اعتقادات من است

Husayn inspires me to be peaceful

حسین الهام بخش من در صلح طلبی است

Husayn inspires me to stay strong in what stand for

حسین الهام بخش من در ایستادگی در برابر آرمان هایم است

Husayn inspires me to put others before my self

حسین الهام بخش من در مقدم شمردن دیگران برخودم است

Husayn inspires me to take a stand for social justice

حسین الهام بخش من در گام برداشتن برای عدالت اجتماعی است

Husayn inspires me to give to those in need

حسین الهام بخش من در کمک کردن به نیازمندان است

Husayn and his followers inspire me to unity and intimacy

حسین و یارانش الهام بخش من در وحدت و همدلی هستند.

Husayn is a wellspring of human unity and his uprising is accepted in all

حسین سرمنشاء وحدت بشریت است و قیام ایشان مورد قبول همگان .

The message of Husayn`s uprising :

.Muslim`s unity ,brotherhood and close friendship

پیام قیام حسین :وحدت درمیان مسلمانان ، اخوت و صمیمیت.

Husayn is a cause of unity of the world of Islam and world`s freemen

حسین عامل وحدت جهان اسلام و آزادی خواهان جهان است.

Husayn is a cause of the unity of the world`s freemen

حسین عامل وحدت آزادی خواهان جهان است.




















Real islam

True islam

Shia muslim

Day of ashura

Imam hussain

Imam hosayn

Ashura Real islam True islam Shia muslim Day of ashura Imam hussain Imam hosayn+   #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia #shia_islam  #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning #shia_muharram #shia_images  #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures    #muharram #ashura #ashura_2015 #ashura_karbala #islam #shia  #shia_islam #shia_religion #islam_shia #shia_blood #shia_mourning  #shia_muharram #shia_images #karbala #kerbela #ashora #ashoora  #day_of_ashura #ashura_in_iran #Ashures #?i?_muslim #?i?  #Achoura #Ασο?ρα  #Ashur #caashuuraa #Asyura #A?ure #musliman #shia_musliman #musulman #shia_musulman  #šiit?_musulmon? #šiit? #muçulmano_xiita #xiita #musulmán _chiíta #chiíta_ii_Müslüman #?ii #A?ura__ #شیعہ_مسلمانوں #عاشوراء #عاشورء#عاشورہ #مسلمة_ شیعیة #شیعیة #شیعہ


او گفت: اگر دین ندارید و از روز قیامت نمی ترسید لااقلّ در زندگی دنیاتان آزادمرد باشید21


He said:If you do not believe in religion and do not fear the Hereafter ,then at least be free from tyranny and arrogant.

او گفت:مرگ در راه عزّت جز زندگی جاوید، و زندگی با ذلّت جز مرگ بی حیات نیست

He said:Death with dignity is eternal life and life of humiliation is Death.:

او گفت: مردمان بندگان دنیا هستند و دین تنها بر زبانشان جاریست. مادامیکه زندگیشان بر محور دین بچرخد حول آن هستند ولی هنگامی که به بلایی گرفتار شدند دین داران اندک شوند    .

He said:
People are slave of this world and their religion is just like saliva or taste on the tongue. They revolve around religion as long as their materialistic" needs are well provided; but when they face difficulties, tests & trials, very few people prove to be steadfast"

او گفت: بترس‌ از ستم‌ کردن‌ بر کسی‌ که‌ به‌ جز خدا یاوری‌ ندارد

:He said
“Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God.”

او گفت: رستگار نشوند مردمی که غضب خالق را به بهای رضایت مخلوق خریدند .

He said:"People will not be redeemed who gained satisfaction of people ,but that`s price of wrath of God"

او گفت: هر کس این پنج چیز را نداشته باشد از زندگی بهره ای نمی برد: عقل، دین، ادب، شرم و خوش خلقی.

He said:
".If one does not have this five things there is no good in him: intellect ,religion, etiquette,shame and good manners"

و نیز گفت: جز به یکی از سه نفر حاجت مبر: به دیندار، یا صاحب مروّت، یا کسی که اصالت خانوادگی داشته باشد.

He said:
Do not seek help from any person except three persons :one who is religious, or generous or of noble descent (parentage

22. inspires me to care for people around me

حسین الهام بخش من در توجه و همدردی به مردم اطرافم است

Husayn inspires me to give back

حسین الهام بخش من در برگشت به مسیر خداست

Husayn`s epic legacy inspires millions

میراث حماسی حسینی الهام بخش میلیونها انسان است

Husayn inspires me to give back to my society

حسین الهام بخش من در برگشت و خدمت به جامعه است

Husayn inspires me to resist oppression in all forms

حسین الهام بخش من در مقابله با ظلم در همه جوانب است

Husayn inspires me to help those less fortunate than me

حسین الهام بخش من در کمک رسانی به زیردستان است

Husayn inspires me to sacrifice for my society

حسین الهام بخش من در فداکاری برای جامعه ام است


Husayn inspires me to be caring to all of Humanity

حسین الهام بخش من در پاسداشت ارزش های انسانی است

Husayn inspires me to strive for equality for all human beings

حسین الهام بخش من در تلاش برای ایجاد برابری بین همه مردم است

Husayn inspires me to stay faithful to my principles

حسین الهام بخش من در وفادار ماندن نسبت به اصول و اعتقادات من است

Husayn inspires me to be peaceful

حسین الهام بخش من در صلح طلبی است

Husayn inspires me to stay strong in what stand for

حسین الهام بخش من در ایستادگی در برابر آرمان هایم است

Husayn inspires me to put others before my self

حسین الهام بخش من در مقدم شمردن دیگران برخودم است

Husayn inspires me to take a stand for social justice

حسین الهام بخش من در گام برداشتن برای عدالت اجتماعی است

Husayn inspires me to give to those in need

حسین الهام بخش من در کمک کردن به نیازمندان است

Husayn and his followers inspire me to unity and intimacy

حسین و یارانش الهام بخش من در وحدت و همدلی هستند.

Husayn is a wellspring of human unity and his uprising is accepted in all

حسین سرمنشاء وحدت بشریت است و قیام ایشان مورد قبول همگان .

The message of Husayn`s uprising :

.Muslim`s unity ,brotherhood and close friendship

پیام قیام حسین :وحدت درمیان مسلمانان ، اخوت و صمیمیت.

Husayn is a cause of unity of the world of Islam and world`s freemen

حسین عامل وحدت جهان اسلام و آزادی خواهان جهان است.

Husayn is a cause of the unity of the world`s freemen

حسین عامل وحدت آزادی خواهان جهان است.