True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
با سلام و خدا قوت
1-در صورت نداشتن وبلاگ وبلاگی باز کنید و حتما در آدرس وبلاگ این لفظ باشد (ashura)
مثلا ashura 110 , ashura-iran95
و یا هر چیز دیگری که نام و دامنه مربوطه در سرویس مورد نظر شما آزاد بود .
2-طبقه بندی، کلمات کلیدی ، برچسب ها و تگ ها و همه همه جای خالی هایی که در بخش ارسال مطلب برای شما وجود دارد باید با لفظ ashura و یا تگ ها مربوطه که ما در همین وبلاگ در بخش تگ ها قرار دادیم پر شود...
ممکن است در برچسبی و یا کلمات کلیدی شما نتوانید بیش از 10 کلمه اضافه کنید . اشکالی ندارد ... تگ ها را کپی نمایید و هرچقدر بنا بر قوانین سیستم وبلاگ دهیتان حذف شد اشکالی ندارد .
3-عنوان تان حتما ashura داشته باشد.
4-در وبلاگ می توانید با مراجعه به گروه جهادعاشورایی در سایت افسران جنگ نرم به دنبال محتوا و مطالب مرتبط با مسئله عاشورا بگردید و از آن استفاده کنید و یا به سایت های دیگر مراجعه کنید .
5-در انتهای هر مطلب شما حتما تگ ها را مجدد کپی کنید .
6-تبادل لینک از مهم ترین کارهاست .
اینکه با وبلاگ های دیگر در ارتباط باشید و نظر و پیام دهید و تبادل لینک کنید تا آنها نیز از وبلاگ شما بازدید کنند.
7-سعی کنید جز باز کردن وبلاگ در نتایج موتور جستجو ها جستجو کنید و نتایج مشابه رو که مطابق با قوانین و تذکرات و شرایطی که در بخش بازدیدکنندگان و جستجو گران در همین وبلاگ قرار داده شده بازدید کنید .
8-در صورت پرسش انتقاد و پیشنهاد حتما ما را مطلع سازید .
با تشکر
در وبلاگتان در طبقه بندی موضوع عنوانی با نام ashura اضافه کنید و بعد تصاویر و مطالب سایت افسران رو در وبلاگتان با همان برچسب و. موضوعی که در طبقه بندی نوشتید (ashura) انتشار بدید .
در پایان هر پست و نوشته یی که برای ارسال اماده شده تگ های مربوط رو که در همین وبلاگ هم قرار گرفته کپی کنید و در زیر پست هاتون درج کنید .
از طرفی در گوگل وارد بشید و با توجه به تذکراتی که در همین وبلاگ در بخش بازدید کنندگان و جستجو گران قرار دادیم شروع به بازدید از صفحات کنید .
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam
True Islam
imam hossain
ashura & shia & realy islam
Imam Hussein went to Mecca and stayed there for four months. He visited different groups and wrote a lot of letters to Kufa, Basra, and to individuals. He went on apilgrimageto Kaba and he visited the tombs of diseased predecessors; he went to the Aboutalib Cemetery and visited the graves of his great grandfather, Aboutaleb (A.S), and his great grandmother, Khadijeh (SA). He said his prayers right there.
When he learnt about the plots of his enemies, who were trying to kill him, he decided to leave Mecca as a sign of his respect to Kaba. This is the most beautiful respect one could have for the House of God. Imam Hussein did not want to do what Abdullah bin Zubayr did; he took refuge in Kaba, and doing this, he actually disrespected the holy place.
Hussein bin Ali (A.S) treated Abdullah bin Zubayr respectfully and told the people, “Ibn Zubayr wants me to take refuge in the holy shrine, but I would rather be far from the House of God in the time of death. I would rather die next to the Euphrates, than in Kaba.”
It is also said that Abdullah bin Zubayr told Imam Hussein (A.S) to stay in Mecca and to take refuge in Kaba. Imam Hussein answered, “This is not a right thing to do. I do not think that I should do that. I would rather get killed in the desert than in Mecca.”
With all the respect Imam Hussein accorded to Kaba, he left it, tears in his eyes.
True Islam
imam hossain
imam hosayn
ashura & shia & realy islam